July 22, 2008

White Noise

India Government survives vote to rescue US nuclear deal

WTF? Anyways, as if this is a surprise in Indian politics .. huhh ...

I read some random lines penned by my friend Kaustubh and that inspired me to vent my anger in a similar way .. so, I too wrote something on the same lines. Thanks Kaustubh for the inspiration. Here it goes ..

White noise

when the trumptes were sounded
and the horns were blown
of scarlett and many hues
wondrous dreams were shown
but the trumpets were hollow
and so was their sound
the evil so politikally bound

and the evil lingers on
there's no standing ground
but the seeds of malice go deep
far deep into the very veins
it now bleeds, it now pains
I see no morphine, not even a saw
years have passed and they are dumbstruck
with that same hapless gaping maw

they are coming now, coming thick & fast
with their guns and their bombs
deceiving white shafts of light
masterfully masking everyone's plight
with that same archetypal white noise ...
