April 11, 2008

Infectious happiness ...

Today after a long time, I was chatting with a close friend - beyond the point of "Hi, hello, Hows you? Wassup? What else? Nothin' much ya .. cool, see ya then .. gn, tc ..". This was a friend who was really really happy about well nothing ! It was just a feeling of pure happiness and soon i got infected with it too .. apart from the fact that someone was full of joy and spreading it among friends; the other interesting thing was how different people express it differently. It really comes down to what "joy" means to that person and how they want to express it.

I am posting an excerpt from the chat that I had with this exuberant friend of mine. I was amused by the expressions used to paint the joyfulness - not because they were odd, but because they were so unique. There isn't much to read into it. It's just a "happy-happy .. super-happy" conversation that I would like maintain here as a record of a happy memory. I am so glad and fortunate to be friends with such interesting people.

Courtesy : Pidgin & PrtScr


a Sane man said...

:) sahiye!

Amar Ghaisas said...

Well, Thank you Sane man ! You seem to be one of the first and only dedicated readers here ! :D